Thursday, March 12, 2009


My new blog is up. It's called City on a Hill, which is what Montpellier is, literally. As for figuratively, well, we'll see.

It's going to get tweaked a lot when I get back from Texas at the beginning of April, but in response to the many inquiries I've gotten, it's a start.

Thanks for your cards and letters. See you in France.


A.C. said...

I am taking the liberty of linking to your new blog via this blog from our site. I don't want any of our readers - hundreds & hundreds of them - to miss your pearls of wisdom & whimsy here. À tout à l'heure!

Anonymous said...


A.C. here too.albert calvert in fla...just googled Michael Murphey and comments from you from 1975 came up...when I was in college listing to..hmmm M.Mur. with cowgirls.

be are missed in Berlin