Friday, July 23, 2004


Not even big enough to qualify as nibbles.


Berlinbites got a really nice mention in the Philadelphia Inquirer last Saturday. Thanks to the mighty Dan Rubin!


I am completely and totally intimidated by Alex Ross' blog, The Rest Is Noise. Not only is he the fine young classical music critic for the New Yorker whose essay on listening to classical and popular music in that magazine a few months ago was such a breath of fresh air, but he does the hyperlinking thing with breathtaking virtuosity. Maybe some day I'll be that good. Might mean spending most of my day surfing the web, though, and I'm not at all sure I want to do that. Anyway, great stuff over there.


Speaking of fresh air, and Fresh Air, as Dan did, most of you know that's a program on National Public Radio to which I've been contributing for 18 years. You can hear my stuff on the web, though, by going to their website, doing a search for my name, and navigating through to my piece of the show. The recent one on the Ray Charles rehearsal tape from 1953 is particularly nice, because my producer, Phyllis Myers, did a stunning job on it.

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